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Navn: Michael Weber
Brugernavn: MIchaelW

Registreret: 15-03-2011
Bopæl: Århus N
Beskæftigelse: Argumentum ad verecundiam

E-mail: Vent venligst 5 sek (HOL spam beskyttelse)

Antal tråde: 8
Antal svar: 501


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Yderligere oplysninger

Mr Colebrooke, daværende Præsident for Royal Astronomical Society, udtalte ved overrækkelsen af Guld medaljen til Charles Babbage i år 1824, følgende om Babbage´s Calculating Machinery: "In no department of science, or of the arts, does this discovery promise to be so eminently useful as in that of astronomy, and its kindred sciences, with the various arts dependent on them. In none are computations more operose than those which astronomy in particular requires;—in none are preparatory facilities more needful;—in none is error more detrimental. The practical astronomer is interrupted in his pursuit, and diverted from his task of observation by the irksome labours of computation, or his diligence in observing becomes ineffectual for want of yet greater industry of calculation. Let the aid which tables previously computed afford, be furnished to the utmost extent which mechanism has made attainable through Mr Babbage's invention, and the most irksome portion of the astronomer's task is alleviated, and a fresh impulse is given to astronomical research." Kilde:[...] Astronaut Andreas Mogensen udtalte ikke: "Nailed it!" :)

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