99% sikker på at det høre med kortet
Vicar: Mr. Bond, Mr. Bond. I'm so glad I caught you. Your office called. They're sending a helicopter to pick you up. Some sort of emergency.
James Bond: It usually is. Thank you.
denne bro følger normalt med dit bundkort.
hvilket bundkort har du ?.
og er det en pc du har købt samlet eller samlet selv?
M: Remember, 007, you're on your own.
James Bond: Well, thank you, sir. That's a great comfort.
Jeg har ikke fået noget med, da jeg købte mit?
Le Chiffre: You know, I never understood all these elaborate tortures. It's the simplest thing... to cause more pain than a man can possibly endure.
Le Chiffre: And of course, it's not only the immediate agony, but the knowledge... that if you do not yield soon enough... there will be little left to identify you as a man.
Le Chiffre: The only question remains: will you yield, in time?
med mit bundkort ??
Jamen jeg skal ud og købe et nyt bundkort os, men hvorfor skulle det dog være med der ?
James Bond: What business do you have with Elektra King?
Zukovsky: I thought it was *you* who was giving her the business.
#4 SLI-bro følger normalt med hvis bundkortet understøtter SLI.
Sådan er det bare selv om du undrer dig :)
Kara Milovy: What happened?
James Bond: He got the boot.